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Röskva's board

Röskva's board of directors oversees all of the company's internal work. Röskva's board is chosen through democratic elections at the general meeting a few weeks after the Student Council elections. All those registered in Röskva's membership register are allowed to vote for the board at the general meeting. Röskva's board in 2022-2023 includes the following:


Mathias Bragi Ölvisson

The president is responsible for Röskva's work. The president directs the work of the board, the association's meetings and assigns projects. The president has a seat on the affairs committee and the election board.
SÍMI: (+354) 615-6280


Helga Björg B. Óladóttir

The secretary writes and is responsible for the minutes and other documents of the association.

International representative

Erik Maher

The international representative is responsible for promoting the participation of foreign students in the work and is their voice in the struggle for interests. The international representative is the president of the international committee.

Marketing director

Cynthia Anne Namugambe

The marketing director is in charge of fundraising for the association. The marketing director is the president of the marketing committee.

Activities director


Andrea Þórey Sigurðardóttir

The vice-president takes care of membership and manages the affairs of newcomers within the movement. The vice president is the president of the newcomers committee.


Agla Arnars Katrínardóttir

The treasurer takes care of the association's finances, must keep its accounts and draw up annual accounts at the end of the working year. The treasurer has a seat on Röskva's election committee.

Communications director

Björgvin Ægir Elisson

The communications director is responsible for the organization's website and social media. The communications director is the president of the communications committee.


Þórdís Eva Einarsdóttir

Ritstýra hefur umsjón með málgagni samtakanna og öllu útgefnu efni. Að jafnaði eru gefin út tvö rit á ári: Haustblað Röskvu og Kosningarit Röskvu. Ritstýra er forseti ritstjórnar.



Svanlaug Halla Baldursdóttir

The activities director takes care of the organization's entertainment and events. The activities director is the president of the activities committee.

Elections director

Co-member carries out ad hoc and new projects.

Masters's representative

Ármann Leifsson

The election director is responsible for the preparation of the election campaign. The election director sits on the election board.

Newcomers representative

Newcomers representatives perform ad hoc and new tasks. Newcomers representatives sit on the newcomers committee.

The master's representative is responsible for promoting master's students in Röskva's work

Newcomers represenative

Newcomers representatives perform ad hoc and new tasks. Newcomers representatives sit on the newcomers committee.

Other positions within Röskva


Katla Ólafsdóttir

Chairperson is the spokesperson for Röskva's Student Council members and the liaison between the board and the Student Council. Chairperson is the president of Röskva's issues committee, sits on Röskva's election board, has the right to listen to Röskva's board and Student Council's board.

PHONE: (+354) 869-0436

Account auditor
Account auditor
Deputy account auditor
Linda Rún Jónsdóttir
Gísli Laufeyjarson Höskuldsson
Fjóla Kristný Andersen

The auditors must examine and confirm Röskva's annual accounts before they are presented at the general meeting.

The auditors must examine and confirm Röskva's annual accounts before they are presented at the general meeting.

The auditors must examine and confirm Röskva's annual accounts before they are presented at the general meeting.

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